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excellent print quality and outstanding reliability

Review for SMART-51
When I was employed in IT at the local utility (National Grid) three years ago, there were numerous badge printers on site, one from IDP and two from Zebra. The Zebras were constantly giving us problems and I was constantly trying to get them operational (with marginal success) and reaching their support personnel was as challenging as fixing the printers. The only time I received calls from users on the Smart-50s when it couldn't print which was always an issue of the ribbon being used up and no ribbons in stock (an easy fix, purchase more ribbons). The IDP was a joy to support, excellent print quality and outstanding reliability. A godsend for anyone working day to day IT. I don't work at National Grid anymore and some of IDP's customer may recognize my name as that of the Help Desk Supervisor at IDP and, yes, I joined the winning team. As much as some may think I am in favor of IDP because I am employed here, I can say I supported the IDP printer long before I was brought onboard. There is no better printer (and affordable, too!) than those sold by IDP. I believed in IDP then and I believe in IDP now.